Dec 30, 2024
Welcome to episode 154 of Activist #MMT. Today's part two with German MMT economist Dirk Ehnts.
(Here's a link to part one.)
Above is the episode in audio form. Below is the episode in video form:
In addition to talking about Dirk's books, we discuss two major concepts. First is the idea that a major characteristic of...
Dec 8, 2024
Welcome to episode 153 of Activist #MMT. Today I talk with German MMT economist Dirk Ehnts. He discusses his books, and the courses he teaches, including one called "Equity, Equality, and Employment" at Torrens University.
(This is part one of a two part episode. Here's a link to PART TWO.)
Above is the episode in audio...
Oct 27, 2024
Here's the original video from where this audio came.
Here's a list of links to John reading every chapter (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives.
I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and etc.
Sep 30, 2024
Here's the original video from where this audio came.
Here's a list of links to John reading every chapter (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives.
I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and...
Aug 25, 2024
Here's the original video from where this audio came.
Here's a list of links to John reading every chapter (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives.
I have edited both the video and audio to eliminate obvious mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and...