Apr 29, 2020
Welcome to episode 26 of activist #MMT. Today is part two of my conversation with third-year MMT activist and Scotland resident, James Feal-Martinez. James is an electrical engineer with the British Navy, with which he has served for 20 years. A full introduction, plus my story introducing kids to MMT, can be found before part one. But for now, let's get right back to our conversation.
For an overview of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) with many reliable sources to learn more, here is a good place to start:
We shouldn't have to beg,
but we do have to beg.
So it's not *that* we beg,
but *who* we beg.
I am choosing to beg you, my listeners, to financially support this show.
To be clear, all episodes of Activist #MMT are free for all, forever. Patrons only get the opportunity to hear them before the public.
Take a listen. If you like what you hear, thank you for considering becoming a patron of Activist #MMT (here: https://www.patreon.com/activistmmt).
✌️, ❤️, and #MMT 🦉