Jan 29, 2023
Welcome to episode 140 of Activist #MMT. Today I talk with Scott Fullwiler on his 2008 paper, Modern Central Bank Operations: The General Principles. Today's part one of a three-part conversation. Today in part one we discuss some generic but related topics, and then principles one and two. Next time in part two we...
Jan 15, 2023
This video episode was produced by KRTD Media. It's currently hosted by the Activist #MMT YouTube channel. View it on YouTube here.
Welcome to episode 138 of Activist #MMT. Today's a special video episode with UMKC PhD student Sam Levey on the basics of "math" in economics. This is basically Sam handholding me through...
Jan 8, 2023
Here's the original video from where this audio came.
Here's a list of links to John reading every chapter (released so far) in his 2021 book Contending Perspectives.
Note the original video is unedited, but the audio has been edited to eliminate obvious mistakes, coughs, interruptions, and etc.
Use the...
Jan 5, 2023
Welcome to episode 137 of activist #MMT. Today I talk with Steve Kelsey, about what money and money issuance, and our entire money system, should and could be, if we could start over and design it from scratch. You'll find two of his papers linked below (in the Resources section). Before that, we discuss Steve's Twitter...