Welcome to episode 149 of Activist #MMT. Today's part two with
post-Keynesian economist Steve Keen. Today's an
hour-and-a-half-long video interview, where Steve walks me through
the basics of his Minsky modeling software, and why it's an
important tool for MMTers.
(Here's a link to
part 1. A list of the audio chapters in this episode can be
found at the bottom of this post.)
Our process starts by creating a definition of the economy in
what he calls Godley tables. Godley tables are not accounting, but
meta-accounting. They define the possible accounting for an entity.
The top line is a snapshot (the stock), and every line below it,
all the possible flows. If that definition is a realistic version
of the real world – although necessarily simplified – then running
the models should reflect what will happen in the real world.
(A crucial difference between the models created by Minsky and
many neoclassical models, is that nothing is hidden. Everything is
there for you, directly accessible via the Minsky tables. The
software will not let you proceed until every loose end is
resolved. Not to mention, you created it yourself!)
Starting at the six-minute mark and going all the way through
the 46-minute mark, we walk-through a very specific neoclassical
model called the loanable funds theory of investment. For those
studying neoclassical economics and this model specifically, it's a
valuable discussion. For the general listener, I recommend starting
at the beginning, then once you pass the six minute mark, continue
only as long as it holds your interest. After that, you should skip
ahead to the 46-minute mark. That's when we start all over again
with a fresh and realistic model the economy.
I put many of my observations into the show notes, each with a
timestamp of where it's discussed.
As Steve mentions, he's just finished writing a new book, called
Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down. The specific publishing
date has not yet been determined, but the book will be released to
his patrons on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Become a patron of
Steve's by going to Patreon.com/ProfSteveKeen
or profstevekeen.substack.com.
Finally, as I mentioned in part one, Steve and I had an
in-person musical encounter last year. A brief audio highlight from
it can be found after the closing theme in part one. At the end of
this part, you can see that same thing in video form.
And now, on part two of my interview with Steve Keen. Enjoy.
Audio chapters
3:47 - Hellos and my initial thoughts on the
basic concepts and intentions of economic modeling. Loanable Funds
Theory of Investment: John Harvey describing the world in which the
model exists made the model itself come to life for me.
10:07 - LFTI model: setting it up in the
Godley table, starting with banks
16:37 - The LFTI has no money creation at all
– not even the interest.
18:47 - adding savers and borrowers to the
Godley table
28:17 - The LFTI results in ludicrous
situations if you think it through. One example: Banks have no
accounts for themselves. The interest interest goes immediately
back to the lenders – households. But if that's true, then what
does it even mean for a bank "to be profitable", which indeed is
needed in order to survive? (Definitions: A term deposit is an
account you don't have access to four a certain amount of time
predetermined amount of time (also called a certificate of deposit
or CD). However the bank can use these funds as they please in
order to make loans. This is as opposed to a demand deposit which
has no term. You can get it on demand.)
34:17 - Introducing charts/graphs.
36:17 - Causing changes over time by changing
39:17 - The LFTI is boring on paper. The real
world must bend and break in order to keep that paper boring.
39:47 - Transitioning from unrealistic LFTI,
step-by-step to the real world. Changing them from being
intermediaries of the money in other peoples accounts (lenders and
borrowers), to having their own accounts. Also introduces money
creation. In the real world, loans are not an asset of the saver,
they are an asset of the bank.
45:47 - Adding in the government and it's
50:47 - Starting all over, in the real world,
and with a completely new model.
56:47 - Creating relevance for myself,
partially to repeat: We are defining a realistic economy. We know
these things to be true. Therefore, when the model is run, we know
its predictions are realistic. "That's what creates meaning for
this learning. Linking this abstract to the world."
57:32 - Fred Lee's History of Heterodox
Economics. Orthodox economics (backed by the powerful) is shiny
fancy and glossy, heterodox economics (backed by real people) is
paper hand-bound and printed in copy shops.
59:47 - Adding in the Treasury view (Minsky
table). (Color commentary normally adds depth. My color commentary
dumbs it down.)
1:02:47 - We now have a minimally realistic
model – definition – of the economy.
1:03:47 - A godly table is not an accounting
table. It's the current state, and the definition of all possible
actions. It is the meta of accounting for that entity. The top row
is a stock, everything below it are all the possible flows.
1:10:17 - Our model is defined. Now let's do
something with it. Running a model via a graph. Some other
1:14:47 - Minsky forces you to define the
entire economy before anything can be run. Nothing is hidden.
1:18:17 - Regarding graphs, how can values go
backwards in time? (To the left.) How is it possible to create odd
shapes such as circles. The answer is by changing the X
(horizontal) axis. It's defaulted to be time (so every tick to the
right is usually a year passing). But this could be changed to
anything. It doesn't have to be time at all.
1:24:47 - Closing thoughts and review. "If you
disagree with MMT (regarding how banks and governments spend), you
don't understand accounting."
1:27:47 - Nothing is hidden. Everything is
visible in our definition. You created that definition! Friedman
and his assumptions. Mixing assumption types: pretending that
assumptions are temporarily relaxed only for pedagogy, in reality
is permanent deception. "Assume things that contradict my desires
are simply false."
1:27:51 - Nothing is hidden. Everything is
visible in our definition. You created that definition! Friedman
and his assumptions. Mixing assumption types: pretending that
assumptions are temporarily relaxed only for pedagogy, in reality
is permanent deception. "Assume things that contradict my desires
are simply false."
1:32:21 - In-person music encounter in
Princeton, NJ.