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Activist #MMT - podcast

Aug 27, 2020

Welcome to episode 43 of Activist #MMT. Today I talk with third year MMT activist, Andrea Granger, who is an economics major and environmental activist based in the UK. Andrea and I first talk about the dark reality of climate change and how she and other millennials like her suffer from what she calls "eco grief"...

Aug 22, 2020

A song I wrote to introduce the layperson to Modern Money Theory (MMT). More information on this song can be found here.

Aug 20, 2020

Welcome to episode 42 of Activist #MMT. Today is part two in another of my ongoing conversation with PhD. political scientist, author, and MMTer, Joe Firestone. Today, Joe gives a basic introduction to how the United States Federal Reserve "defends its interest rate." This episode was recorded on March 24th, only...

Aug 19, 2020

This snippet comes from Money On The Left with Alexandra Scaggs called Covering the Paradigm Crisis, at around the 7 minute mark, then continues at around the 46 minute mark.

Aug 13, 2020

Welcome to episode 41 of activist #MMT, which is another in my ongoing conversation with PhD. political scientist, author, and MMTer, Joe Firestone. Today, in part one of our two-part conversation, Joe and I talk about Joe: his background and how he worked his way to MMT in late 2009, when he discovered Warren Mosler's...