May 30, 2021
Welcome to episode 78 of Activist #MMT. Today I talk with first-year MMT activist Katrina Pilver, about how she discovered the importance of economics and then MMT, and her unusually-intensive and -ambitious journey to learn MMT more deeply. Katrina and her partner own a soul food restaurant and ice cream truck in...
May 23, 2021
Welcome to episode 77 of Activist #MMT. Today is part two of my two-part conversation with seventh-year MMT activist Bill Peeples. Bill and I continue talking about various subjects such as accounting, China, The lifecycle of a government’s money, and how human decisions are never natural or scientific. A...
May 16, 2021
Welcome to episode 76 of Activist #MMT. Today I talk with seventh-year MMT activist Bill Peeples. Bill earned a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. He then opened a retail computer store and managed his business with accounting software. This served as his introduction to...
May 9, 2021
Welcome to episode 75 of Activist #MMT. Today is part two of my two-part conversation with Chris McArdle. Today we discuss online activism, and also the concept of truth versus an academic theory. MMT is not "the truth about economics" as I have, admittedly, often said, it is simply the most convincing economic theory...
May 2, 2021
Welcome to episode 74 of Activist #MMT. Today I talk with Chris McArdle (Twitter/@ChrisMctwtr) on the politics and pitfalls of implementing the MMT-designed job guarantee. Chris was politically active in the 2000s, and an early and strong supporter of then-Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dannel P. Malloy. Chris later...